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Christine Armstrong

info@armstrongstudios.com  ~ 443.956.4178

Professional Photography Focused on Your Goals

Look no further

We're glad you found us. Soon you will be glad you found us too. Here you will discover a photography studio with a heart for doing the job right, and the eye for doing it well. Our core service is product photography, but people and places make up a good bit of our assignments too.

located in Baltimore County Maryland

Armstrong Studio creates photographs for a wide range of clients in our renovated "Green Studio". The space is filled with all sorts of unexpected treasures and found objects that often get woven into the more creative projects we do. As you view our galleries you will notice the subtle, and sometimes surprising use and celebration of the everyday, the recycled, the handcrafted and the seasonal elements on hand. Our clients remain with us year after year because we consistently deliver jobs that don't just meet expectations; they exceed them!